Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I thought the short story "When It Changed" was extremely interesting! Wow, i don't think i ever pictured Earth for only men and another world(?) for women. I never thought about it that way but how interesting is that? The idea that women don't need men in order to reproduce, the idea that women don't need men AT ALL. I'd really like to experience such a phenomenon. Anyways, i think the best part of the story, is when the Earth man said that, "As a people, we are not very bright. There's been too much genetic damage in the last few centuries. Radiation. Drugs." I almost laughed at out when i read that. To me, he's basically saying that men are stupid and they need women to balance out their stupidity. It's nice to finally be able to read about a world where the men actually need the women in order to survive and reproduce instead of the other way around. I mean to be very honest, most modern stories portray women as "weak" and they need men in order to "complete" their lives (not only in the sense of love but also their physical needs/desires). So, i think it's good that in this story, the women don't need the men in order to survive and that they are actually HAPPY living without them.

I think it's really tragic that the Earth men are coming to Whileaway and pretty much ruining the lifestyle that the women have developed there. I think it just shows how men are ignorant and not understanding. They only do things (such as "invading" Whileaway) that will benefit themselves and they are willing to sacrifice everything, and anything/one else in order to achieve their goal.

Also, i thought that the last statement of the story was very interesting.
"Take my life but don't take away the meaning of my life."
I have to agree with the statement - it's almost like when someone passes away, you want to remember the things that they've done that made a difference, that made them special. In this case, death is nothing compared to the misery that having the meaning of someone's life taken away.

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