Thursday, April 23, 2009


There are so many twists and turns into this book! I can't believe the Commander actually took Offred out of the house and into what i would call a "whore house." I guess this just shows that even in a society with such strict restrictions and rules, there are still those who are willing to venture out and break them, even those who have the power and are suppose to actually enforce the rules.

I was a little disappointed to see Moira there though. I mean afterall, i actually thought she escaped, escaped from the society as a whole and found the "real" world again. I mean, from what she tells Offred though, it seems like she's a lot better off in there than at the Red Center but still .. i think it killed the spirit of Offred. BUT i guess there still is hope - i mean obviously there are people who are running an underground operation for those who are trying to escape and be free. Maybe someday Offred could escape and find Luke and her little girl.

I really think the Commander is a creep. First of all, he puts Offred in this really skanky, feathery, top thing and then brings her to a whore house (or some type of equivalent - i lack a better word for it). Secondly, i mean he's breaking almost ALL the rules! All the Commanders are! How hypocritical of them. And third, i'm pretty sure now that the Commander wanted sex in the first place when he first asked Offred to play Scrabble with him. I mean, he tells her that he wanted to do this so this time they can enjoy it (BLAH! creep.) Anyways, he just reminds me of a creepy old guy whose just really horny - yuck.

SO, what exactly happen between Offred and Nick? She keeps fantasing. I can't tell what's real and what's not. She claims she doesn't really know how it happened but .. i don't know. Not sure I understand that. And, why does she fantasize about Nick so much? Is she trying to replace him with Luke? Or is she just longing for some effection, emotion, or love from someone? I feel bad for her. Hopefully someday, she could get out of here and be happy again.


  1. Jessi, these are excellent ideas. What kind of general commentary on society do you think Atwood is making by depicting a place so full of contradictions?

  2. I agree! After all of the stuff they outlawed and deemed "sinful" they practice it in their own backyard! Such hypocrites. Once Offred saw Moira I think she seriously began to doubt her chances of escaping. Moira seemed like her hero and idol. I think Offred is so lonely that she longs any sort of love and affection she can get. She sees Nick as a somewhat suitable man and can't take the absence of love any longer. She still wants to be faithful to Luke but knows she will most likely not see him again and is trying to move on. She also has such a boring life and fantasizes about Nick because she has nothing better to think about. They both seem to sort of use each other for their physical desires but may be thinking of something else. Offred seems to fall in love with Nick however, at the end of the book but i doubt he feels the same way because he shows very little affection and interest.
