Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trying to Smile

I AM NOT SATISFIED WITH THE ENDING. THERE WAS NO ENDING! What happens to Offred after she's taken by the men in the black van?! Why did Nick tell her that it's going to be okay? Was he part of the underground movement that Moira mentioned before? (Btw, poor Ofglen. I'm actually kind of sad that she died - but at least she died in a somewhat less painful and more dignified manner than if she would've been caught). I want to know whether this is Offred's end or beginning. The ending is way too open ended >.< !

I can't believe Serena Joy found out about the Commander and Offred. I mean, can the Commander be any more stupid? He left lipstick on his shirt, i think. I don't know - Serena Joy mentioned this wasn't the first time though but she trusted Offred (yet another betrayal, how sad). I wonder how Offred got found out though. I mean, it was pretty obvious that Serena Joy didn't snitch on her - she actually seemed surprised that she was getting taken away. Could it have been the new Ofglen? But i'm doubtful about that for some reason. She was willing to tell Offred about the old Ofglen and how she hanged herself. But i guess at the end, she was just a true believer and must have felt the need to snitch? I don't know.

How could the end leave so many more unanswered questions?!

1 comment:

  1. I think it said somewhere that Nick was part of a secret organization and that they were probably going to help her. We have no way to know for sure but that would be the most pleasant solution. Actually Offred got some lipstick on the gown she was wearing which happened to be Serena's winter gown so that's how she found out. Anyways the Commander should have been more careful and made sure there was no evidence. I'm not sure if Ofglen was being taken to be punished or if that was part of one of the secret organizations trying to help her, Mayday i think it was called. Nick said everything would be okay so that is a possibility. Yea I agree, I hate it when book have no closure. It is so unsatisfying. Apparently you are supposed to make your own ending and it gives you room for thought and creativity but I'd much rather have an ending.
