Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So i just finished reading chapters 21-23. I actually thought these chapters were kind of interesting. First of all, i thought it was extremely funny how during the Birth Day (i think they were called) that someone slipped alcohol into the grape juice that the women were drinking. I don't know, it just seemed really weird because Offred (i think that's her name) was talking about how during these Birth Days, things like this happens all the time and that even they need a little relaxing. What i thought was really weird was when Janine was giving birth, she was able to get up, use the bathroom, and then walk around. I mean, when i picture someone giving birth, i imagine them lying in a bed, and in too much pain to even talk. But Janine, she seemed perfectly fine! At some point, i actually thought the baby was gonna pop out of her while she was on the portable toilet haha. Anyways!, i thought it was strange when the rest of the women chanted phrases like "push" while Janine was giving birth - i mean if i was giving birth, i would be so annoyed to hear that. BUT the WEIRDEST thing was the fact that the rest of the women felt the pain that Janine felt. Like Offred, who after the birth said that she felt that her breasts were heavy and how she was soo tired and everything. I don't know - that's hard to imagine. To be able to feel someone else's physical pain even though you've never been through such an experience? hmmm. OH! I'd also like to point out that i think in chapter 21 was the first time that i got the sense of "unity" in the book - all the women were united while the baby was coming out of Janine; they smiled together "one smile". I thought that seemed interesting and i guess it can be related to even now because the birth of a new child usually unites people together (like family & friends).

I'm so proud of Moira for escaping! What she did was hecka G. I really would love to have a friend like her. And i think it's a create example of how in any society, there will always be those who are willing to take a stand and stand up for change - to stand up for what they believe in. Moira believed in her freedom and she stood up and fought for it. It's great that she escaped!

Last point : the Commander is a CREEP. At first i thought he was an okay guy, because all he asked of Offred was to play Scramble (which i thought was kind of weird because of all the things to play, Scramble! But i guess it does relate to one of the motiffs of the story, which is the play on words). BUT then, at the end he asked Offred to kiss him. WHO DOES THAT?! It's so random and out of the blue. It's like, "oh, will you play scramble with me?" and then "kiss me." How weird! I guess it would've been "okay" if he just let her go after she kissed him. But the fact that he said, kiss me like you mean it! What is this old guy trying to do?! What a creeper =/!

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